Friday, December 18, 2009

Ugly sweater party and the best kids ever

I am sooooo excited for Christmas this year and feel soooo happy to have all the horid shopping over with! Skyla is such a sweet kid and tells me she doesn't need anything for Chirstmas except for 1 Moxie girl....Kambry is obsessed with babies and everything to do with them, Skyla up and decided one day since Kambry likes babies so much that she could have all the baby toy things and since she is a big girl she gets all the barbies.

We had a great time at the neighborhood ugly sweater party and really enjoyed all the white elephant gifts. We ended up with Odull's that fake beer and some condums.....which we obviously don't need right now.

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that this pregnancy doesn't go by too slow now that the holidays are getting close to being over.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Time sure does fly!

Every once in a while when I stop and think about how fast time has gone and how many memories I have and how many I forget it makes me feel a little guilty for not keeping a better record of things going on. I do keep personal journals for me but I think I might want to burn them before I die!

Anyways life has been full of many blessings this year and I am so grateful for the wonderful family I have and the love, laughter and support they give me each and everyday.

I am going to do better at keeping up with the blogging world.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Years

We had a great New Years!! We started out the night by making paper hats and the fun went from there! We went out to dinner with some of Wes's friends and their wives and children and came home and went to bed by 11!! I was really trying hard to stay awake til midnight but kids really make you tired and it wasn't worth the loss of sleep I would get from staying awake! On New Years day we all wrote down some resolutions that we wanted to accomplish for the year! I had to help Skyla and Kambry. It will be fun to get them out next New Years Eve and see if we accomplished our goals or not. Soooo 1 of our resolutions was to go on a vacation this year since we graduated college in December we wanted to celebrate by going on a trip....well anyways we went to a Dixie college basketball game and entered in a drawing for a free trip to Hawaii and well....Wes's name was picked out of the drawing!!!! The trip is to travel with the team for 7 days and 7 nights it includes airfare, hotels, travel while on the islands, sailing, various tours, and of course 3 men and womens basketball game tickets. We are sooo excited and can't believe we won it out of over 1000 people!!! I am really nervous about leaving the kids or taking them with us....whatever we decide it will be interesting!
Skyla showing off her cool hat!

Kambry showing off her really cool hat and of course all her drool...She finally popped out 2 teeth on the bottom!!! I thought she was never going to get teeth!


Christmas was so much fun this year with the kids! Skyla had a lot of fun opening her presents from Santa! I can't believe how much she really understood I told her that Christmas is a big birthday party for Jesus and that Santa brings us presents from Jesus to open for him since he is in heaven and wants us all to be happy! I know a little far off but it was the only way to try to keep the holiday about Christ. We did go see the nativity at the temple and now whenever we pass the temple or a church she will say, " Mom? Do you see the temple? I saw Jesus at the temple." It is really cute and helps me to appreciate her sweet innocent spirit.

We were pretty happy that we didn't go all out on Kambry this year since we had been through the baby phase on Christmas and knew she only needed a couple things to open. She seriously played with one of Skyla's hair ties the whole time.

All Skyla wanted for Christmas was a pink scooter and that was what Santa she was totally happy with 1 or 2 presents. We bought her way more than she really needed but it was fun for us to watch her open them anyways.

Skyla and I ready to go to the Finlinson Christmas party.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

a little more from Thanksgiving and the Jazz Game

My parents have season tickets to the Jazz games and whenever we go up there we try to steal them away for a night. We were able to go when they played the Kings and kicked butt. It was such an awesome game and so much fun to actually be able to watch. At home the kids keep me pretty distracted.
I made Wes take this picture he was not happy about it.
Here I am with Stockton!

Okay so we would never ever buy anything that matches...that just isn't our style but my mom and dad forced us to wear their hoodies because they think it is really fun to dress up for the games. I think this is the only picture that will ever be taken of us matching.

Wes and Skyla after Skyla woke up on Thanksgiving.

Some of the grandkids playing together. Skyla and Kambry love all their cousins and have so much fun together.

It's been way too long

We had an amazing Thanksgiving up north with my family. I was very anxious to get up north to see my dad after he had his heart attack. I was glad that he seemed to be okay from everything and I was even able to go out on a walk with him. He is a strong person and he is dedicating himself to a healthier lifestyle so he can stick around for his family. I am so thankful for my family and feel so blessed to have a wonderful husband and the most amazing kids ever!
Wes after eating way too much!
Wes was the last one at the table of course!

The only picture we got of us together on Thanksgiving....

We let Kambry chow down on some mash potatos while we ate. Of course she loved the potatos just like she loves everything else.
Skyla took a nap the whole entire meal. I felt bad that she missed out on all the goods on one of the first Thanksgivings she might remember. I did teach her to say when asked what she is thankful for to say her mommy and daddy.

Skyla and Kambry relaxing together. It never lasts very long..Skyla likes to torment her a little too much. It gets stressful as they get older since they want the same toys a lot but it is sooooo much fun watching them grow up and change together...I really hope that they will be best friends throughout their lives.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A busy month!

I really didn't want to get SKyla out of the crib...but I decided that it was we bought her a princess bed and had to put it all was very annoying...and I really wish I had left her in her crib....I hate that she can get out and climb into my bed in the middle of the night....I am actually tempted to put her back in it...but she really does love it and I won't do that to her just because I want my sleep....
I love this picture of SKyla because it looks like she was totally trying to pick my nose...
Kambry is now 6 months old and I can't believe how fast it has gone by she is in the 90th for her height and weight at 17.2 lbs and 28 inches long...she can sit up and make lots of cute noises and I can tell crawling isn't too far away...She is one strong cookie.
So Wes is a really good sport with his daughters....I let Skyla paint my toenails and she really wanted to do Wes's...I generally say no he is a boy you don't paint boys...but we decided to be sneaky and get Wes while he was busy watching sports center....and he had no idea she even painted them....but after he found out he let her do his other foot.
This is a picture of our feet after Skyla painted them all by herself...she actually does a pretty good job and would even wipe away the extra polish if it got on our skin.
So I got my haircut and stuff...I relaly never can find time to go do my hair so it is rare....I made Wes watch the girls during the first half of the BYU game and went to the was so nice to have a break and be able to come home and see the second half...but of course they were already kicking butt and I really didn't watch to much of the game.
Just another picture of my hair....

We have been so busy this month with work and school and our new proctor son Frank...We really haven't had too much time to do anything amazing....just enjoying the last part of summer by going to parks and various water fountains......